
Regular attendance at school is key to ensuring that children have the best opportunity to reach their full potential, it also helps them maintain friendships and ensures they have full access to trips, visits and visitors.

Our whole academy target for attendance is 97% which equates to children having no more than 6 days off in the academic year.

We understand that sometimes absence may be unavoidable due to illness or specific medical needs.
We ask where your child is absent you contact the admin team before 9:15 each day of the absence.

Attendance is monitored daily in the morning and afternoon sessions.
Where children are absent without reason the academy will attempt to make contact to establish why the child is absent. Where phone calls are not answered home visits will be undertaken. If we are unable to make contact and have any concerns around the welfare of the child or parent we may need to contact social care or 101.  We will also undertake home visits daily to check on the welfare of children.

Where your child is absent you will receive a home visit on or before day 3 of absence.

Where children are late into school (after the close of the register) their lateness will begin to impact on their attendance.

Where we have children whose attendance is beginning to cause a concern, we want to support and work with families to increase this and we can offer a range of support. Including morning wake up calls, referrals to other agencies and support with routines including sleep and behaviour.

Each half term, we will report your child’s attendance to you. Where we have concerns about your child’s attendance you will be asked to meet with our attendance lead to see how we can further support you and your child to increase their attendance at school.

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Mrs S Midgley-Wright